Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bargin Decorating

So, I am at Lowes Hardware store looking for a new spikit (better known to people off the mountain as a faucet).  Ours had sprung a mighty powerful leak.  I didn't have much luck in the spikit department, but I did come across a real bargin on this Valspar paint.  It just happened to be the color I had been looking for.  I had bought some new furniture more than a year ago.  At the time I had a navy blue and green living room set.  It was set against my beautiful sage green walls.  Well this new set of funiture didn't have any green in it at all.  I had lived with the browns and blues against sage green back drop for over a year now.   So you can imagine how happy I was when I stumbled upon this beautiful Valspar paint with a clearance sticker on it.

  I don't know why this beautiful paint had been placed on the clearance rack or what caused me to stumble upon it, but it was perfect for my living room and I couldn't wait to get it home.

This paint normally sells for $30 a gallon, but this was marked $10.  I jerked it up so fast that the breeze could be felt all the way to the plumbing section

Here is a sneak peak of how it turned out.  I think it is beautiful.  I am working on some of the accessories.  They too are budget friendly.  I will keep you posted of my progress.

I love this color scheme!!!

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